
Melbourne opera singer Tiriki Onus tries to uncover the mystery surrounding the life of his grandfather, William Bill...

Filmmaker Arshad Khan explores the challenges of growing up gay in a close-knit Muslim family in Pakistan, his move to...

Exiled journalist and activist Masih Alinejad, who has millions of followers on Instagram, amplifies the voices of...

Michal Weits delves into the life of her great-grandfather Joseph, the man who orchestrated the takeover of Palestinian...

Filmmaker Rachel Perkins tells the story of Australia's First Wars - the brutal conflicts that emerged from Indigenous...

Three educated, professional women in China - labelled "leftover women" because they are unmarried - try to balance...

Cambodian refugee Ted Ngoy arrived in 1970s Los Angeles and built a multimillion-dollar donut empire that scared Dunkin'...

Korea is a land of stunning beauty and remarkable wildlife, with lush wetlands, soaring mountains and turbulent seas.

The demilitarized zone of Korea has existed for nearly 70 years. Amidst the barbed wire fences is a unique natural world, home to wild boar, giant hornets and rare cranes.

The first-ever colour film record of China captures the sacred and profane in 1930s Beijing. Other films document the struggle for China and the victorious People's Liberation Army.

Archival films provide a rare look at China's past, from the last decade of the Qing dynasty in the 1900s through the great sweep of the Chinese Republic, to the birth of the Chinese Communist Party.

In 1837 the Colonial Office in London began opening up the entire territory of Australia for sale and the great squatting age began.

The absence of public memorialization of frontier warfare in Tasmania is incongruous on an island so characterized by its colonial past.

Historical footage shows key moments in early 20th-century India, including Gandhi leading the Indian National Congress Party, as well as Muslim refugees en route to Pakistan during Partition.