
Biologist Patrick Aryee dives into the science of biomimicracy, investigating whether the unique adaptations of animals...

Physicist Jim Al-Khalili takes a refreshingly optimistic look at how we've created machines that can simulate, augment...

Cameras in space show that Earth is changing rapidly. Cities sprawl while forests and glaciers shrink. But in Tanzania, locals have regenerated the landscape to save chimpanzees.

From space, Earth is a kaleidoscope. Turquoise plankton blooms trigger a feeding frenzy, China turns yellow with rapeseed flowers, and mysterious green lights appear in the ocean.

From space, Earth's surface is covered in wonderful shapes. Wombats dig burrows across the Australian outback and elephants in the Congo clear an opening in the forest.

Brian Cox considers what it is about our world that has made it home, and asks what ingredients are necessary to turn a tiny speck of rock in space into a living, vibrant planet.