Eduardo and Graziela La Selva

“When we watch Knowledge, we are proud of contributing. It’s a nice feeling to have.”

A Natural Choice

Living in a small town in Brazil, Eduardo and Graziela La Selva knew they had to move to a big city if they wanted more opportunities. But big cities in Brazil can be crowded and stressful. After learning they were eligible to come to Canada as skilled workers, the couple decided to take a chance on a new adventure. 

“Here we are after 14 years and I think that it was such a good decision that we made,” says Eduardo. “It opened our life to so many opportunities and so many different cultures.”

Having settled in South Surrey near Crescent Beach, they enjoy the true BC experience – spending time in the outdoors. “We love the mountains, the rivers, the beach, the trails… We are very into nature,” says Graziela. “Camping as well, although when we go with Brazilian friends we can be a little too loud!”

Eduardo came across Knowledge Network when he was browsing through streaming apps for their TV. He and Graziela saw all the amazing shows available on the Knowledge app, but what really caught their attention was Canada Over the Edge and its beautiful scenes of the country. The series remains a favourite, along with Waterfront Cities of the World, The Island Diaries and anything about local culture and history. 

“To us, it’s very important to learn,” says Graziela. “I went to ESL school because when I came here I didn't have any English, but Knowledge was my second school. Getting to know more about the country and North America, and the world as well, has been wonderful.”

The couple were happy to become Knowledge Partners after finding out about monthly giving and how easy it is to donate. “As residents of BC, I think it’s important for us to give so we can get even better shows and keep it local,” says Eduardo. 

Graziela agrees. “When we watch Knowledge, we are proud of contributing. It’s a nice feeling to have.”

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