Hope for Wildlife
On Nova Scotia's rugged coast, Hope Swinimer's "Hope for Wildlife" organization nurses sick, injured, abandoned and lost animals back to health and returns them to their natural habitat.
On Nova Scotia's rugged coast, Hope Swinimer's "Hope for Wildlife" organization nurses sick, injured, abandoned and lost animals back to health and returns them to their natural habitat.

Hope's busy season arrives sooner than ever. A rehabber comes to visit Hope, and two patients from last year are finally...

A dark day descends on Hope for Wildlife. A rare owl appears ready for release - but will it fly?

Two tiny orphans struggle to survive. Hope takes a second swing at a release gone wrong.

A most unusual fawn arrives on Hope's doorstep. A graveyard is the spooky setting for an unlikely reunion.

Two members of Hope's team travel to England, discovering new techniques and making allies on the front lines of animal...

Barry and Hayley's adventure in the UK continues at a rehab using the latest in alternative therapies. Hope for Wildlife...

A bobcat kitten needs Hope's help, but this little orphan causes big headaches.

Two beavers need emergency lodging. A volunteer shows what life is like at the rehab.

A moose on the loose raises a ruckus. A permanent resident becomes a loveable nuisance. Some special guests have a treat...

The mercury drops, but things keep heating up for Hope. An elusive creature is caught on tape. An impaled gull inspires...

Hope visits a completely rebuilt rehab and reveals plans of her own. Hope and Barry discover a problem plaguing massive...

Hope rallies the team to release the herd of white-tailed deer. Winter brings a mysterious influx of snowy owls to the...

Hope's first orphaned mammal arrives earlier than ever, and a mysterious patient from last year is back.

A muskrat trapped in a fence needs Hope's help. Slippery patients give the team a tough time.

A baby owl needs to be reunited with its parents. A volunteer returns to the rehab in a new role, and a duck rescue goes...

Hope is busier than ever and the team struggles to handle the huge caseload.

Hope tries to make peace between wild enemies, and a kidnapped fawn needs to be reunited with its mother.

A hurricane slams the rehab and blasts an osprey nest out of its tree. Hope scrambles to save the babies in the middle...

The rehab is at its busiest. With three tiny orphans needing round-the-clock care, Hope's team is up all night.

Hope tries fostering a fawn with an unrelated doe. Two fawns are rushed to the emergency clinic.

Two tricky patients finally go free, and fifty babies are born at the rehab - all at once.

Hope and Dr. Barry begin breaking ground on new chapters in their lives. Hope is rebuilding the rehab from the ground up...

Hope's open house is bigger than ever - with more challenges than ever. A mysterious visitor leaves a big impression.

Endangered bats need Hope's help, but that means taking unusual steps. Hope's deer release gets off to a bumpy start.

Hope's team digs in to help birds and bobcats struggling to survive the brutal winter.

A hare in a snare needs Hope's help, Chelsea hits the road to rescue a litter of orphaned foxes, and an injured bobcat...

The youngest porcupine Hope has ever seen arrives at the rehab, and a volunteer rescues a stranded seal.

Silver the seal has a mysterious illness, and Kayla finds a surprise in an attic full of baby raccoons.

A fisherman's illegal catch provides a feast for Hope's patients. Hope's team round up five feisty bobcats and return...

Dr. Barry helps two fleet fliers with wing injuries: a peregrine falcon and a goshawk.

A handful of weasels from winter are finally ready for release into the wild, and a gull that hatched on the farm flies...

Hope's annual open house is more popular than ever, and the whole team scrambles to get everything ready.

Hope tries to make two orphaned bobcats into playmates, and 100 patients are ready for release after months of waiting...

Change sweeps through Hope for Wildlife as the rehab centre moves into the new facility.

Injured and orphaned animals keep Hope busy from the first big snowfall right through to the spring thaw.

Vet students get a first-hand look at Hope's animal rehab facility and some hands-on experience in treating a harbor...

A late-night rescue ends in tragedy. Back at the farm, a new team of volunteers arrive for training just as a snowy owl...

A fulmar arrives by medivac for emergency treatment, joining a flock of birds that have been here all winter - including...

Five baby red foxes arrive on Hope's doorstep, and she must decide what to do next. A beaver turns up in the most...

As spring approaches the baby boom begins. Raccoons, mice and squirrels all begin arriving at record pace, but Hope's...

Two injured harbor seals arrive in the middle of the night with nasty wounds, and a vulture that Hope has been nursing...

After months of rehabilitation, Zak's bald eagle is finally ready to be released.

In a special episode, Hope looks back on the most heartfelt and heart-wrenching moments from eight years and 100...

Hope cares for the tiniest porcupine she's ever seen. Raccoon babies are finally paired with a family, and Zak...

Panic ensues when Maxwell, the three-legged skunk, goes missing. Zak looks set to finally release the vulture that he's...

Harbour seals, barred owls and even a crow all come in for help. Hope and her team anticipate the arrival of the first...

The first skunk of the year arrives, and Dr. Sherri saves a pigeon from a potentially fatal infection.

When a sunfish stranded on the beach is discovered, a team of dedicated volunteers try to save the massive fish, all the...

A fawn is accidentally taken from its mom, and Hope must rely on the camera crew to ensure it gets back home. An eagle...

Hope and the team experience a frightening moment when the foxes escape from their enclosure.

An approaching rainstorm threatens the most important day of the year at the farm.

When a burglar busts down the rehab's door, Hope scrambles to save her education animals from freezing.

Hope fights to save a family of foxes. The nursery is hit by a mysterious outbreak.

Twin fawns arrive at the centre, a volunteer searches for orphans in the woods, and Hope tends to a tiny owl.

When the first harbour seal pup of the year arrives, Jennie must carefully follow the emergency protocols required to...

When a fawn is found stuck in thick toxic tar, Hope assembles her entire team to wash and care for it in a desperate bid...

Hope realizes she's not prepared to rescue animals from an oil spill, so she heads across the continent to learn from...

When Hope opens her doors to the public, the rehab staff must care for thousands of animals while dealing with thousands...

When Hope suffers a personal tragedy, her makeshift family rallies around her.

When a Mountie saves a beaver, Hope helps the most Canadian wildlife rescue ever reach a happy ending.

When an orphaned black bear cub needs help, Hope puts everything on the line to save it.

When a great horned owl arrives covered in oil, Dr. Sherri must put it through a difficult procedure to save its life.

When two harp seals are rescued, Hope's team struggles to teach them the natural behaviour they need to survive in the...

When a tiny piece of trash ruins a racoon's life, Dr. Jessica cuts it free. But Hope has to face tough decisions about...

When a tiny fawn gets hit by a car, Dr. Jessica must splint its broken leg or it may never return to the wild.

As Hope scrambles to get ready for her busiest day of the year, the government comes to seize the bear cub that she's...

When a Category 2 hurricane slams the rehab centre, Hope and her team struggle to protect their patients in the middle...

When a turkey vulture gets trapped under a seal carcass, a photographer snaps into action to save its life.

When a worldwide pandemic cripples the rehab and Hope is down to a skeleton crew, wildlife emergencies keep coming in.